David Platt
In The Art of Integrity and Longevity in Preaching, Dr. Crawford Loritts draws from his decades of experience faithfully communicating the Word of God to show us the guidelines we should follow and the guardrails we should put up in order to run--and finish--well.
Matt Chandler challenges us to keep Jesus at the center of our preaching by portraying Him as the ultimate Truth that orients our reality and leads to human flourishing. Drawing on Scripture, he introduces the grand narrative of the Bible—reminding us to tell the singular story of Jesus Christ.
In this Master Class, Earl McClellan draws from Hebrews to help us build up the well of faith in our own lives so that it pours out of us when we preach.
Priscilla Shirer shares the key to preach the faithfulness of God is to remember and reflect on how God has been faithful in our own lives. In this Master Class, she teaches from 1 John 2 to encourage us to run the race well and share God's good character in every season of life.
Louie Giglio shares his passion for the creative art of preaching as a reflection of our ultimate Creator. This is a Master Class on how to use words to paint a compelling vision of life with Jesus, while also emphasizing the critical role of the Holy Spirit to give meaning and power to any preaching work.
In this Master Class, Katherine Wolf speaks from her story of suffering to explore how pain can be a platform to make Jesus famous. Suffering forms us into new people, but Jesus, in our suffering, forms us into a new creation.